Prof. Chao-Yuan Zhu gained his Bachelor degree and Master degree from Sichun university in 1982 and 1985, and Ph.D from Shanghai institute of nuclear of Chinese Academy of Science in nuclear physic in 1990. Then he received another Ph.D in chemical physics from institute of molecular science of Japan and join in the institute as assitant professor in 1993. He proposed the widely used Zhu-Nkamura theory in chemical reaction dynamics together his advisor Prof. Nakamura. They got the analytic formula of nonadiabatic transition and tunnelling for the first time. He carried out his senior posdoc research in University of Minnesota between 2002-2005. Then he joined in the Department of Chemistry of National Chiao Tung University in 2005 as assitant professor, associate professor and professor. Together with academician Lin, they got the analytic form of molecular spectrum and rate for the first time. His present research areas including: (1)basic theory and microscopic mechanism of chemical reaction, especially chemical reaction related to excitation state (2)quantum and semi-classic mixed dynamical theory, like nonadiabatic transition, tunneling, coherence, decoherence. (3)electron and proton transfer in polyatomic molecules, theory and calculation about reaction rate and dynamics of gas phase and condensed phase. (4)theory and calculations about molecular spectrum and electronic transition rate with anharmonic corrections.